PLAY: Pointillism & Dot Pop

Painting via dotting :: 水玉模様 :: puntear


  1. Paper
  2. Paint
  3. Plate
  4. Wine Cork, Cotton-ball, Q-Tip, and/or Paint-Brush

How To:

  1. Draw, paint, or use scrap paper to cut and paste the tree trunk.
  2. Squeeze Red and Yellow paint onto two side of one large plate or artist’s pallet.
  3. Scoop or push a bit of the red, and a bit of the yellow, into the center of the plate, mix to make orange. Add more yellow to lighten, add more red to darken. Use at least three batches of color.
  4. Place your stamp (or paint brush) into the selection of colors, and create an Autumn Leaves motif!

Variation: Trace your lower arm and hand, use this as your tree and branches. Dot paint the leaves around the branches.

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