Books, Eco, Nature, RRR

『WHEN THE WHALES WALKED 』:: 教育と芸術 :: educación 

Well, it’s not Rocket Science – it’s Natural Science! And it is all around us, all of the time. Getting the ball rolling on the realities of our natural world is not just some hippie nonsense – it is science! And science is knowledge – inconvenient truths an all.

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『BEFORE SHE WAS HARRIET 』:: 教育と芸術 :: educación 

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery, escaped, and became a leading abolitionist and activist before, during and after the Civil War. “Before She Was Harriet” is a concise illustration of her life journey. Starting from the viewpoint of her advanced years, and then following her life in reflection, this story documents her recurring actions to free her family and others from slavery, her service in the Union Forces, and her voice in the abolitionist and suffragist movement.

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『SEPARATE IS NEVER EQUAL 』:: 教育と芸術 :: educación 

A story depicting the history and fight to end segregation, as experienced by the Mendez family. This story illustrates the blatant inequity, cruelty and forced hierarchy that dictated educational, professional and social opportunities for anyone not considered “White”. The Mendez family took action, organized and helped to end school segregation in California almost 10 years before Brown vs. Board of Education.

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